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Jon Bjornsson appointed CEO of Veritas
Jon Bjornsson has been appointed CEO of Veritas and will take over at the end of August.
Veritas’ corporate values
These values are the results of a team work on corporate values where all company employees were involved. The values serve as guiding light for our employees in their daily work and are symbolized by these logos:
Reliability means keeping promises and having integrity, professionalism and honesty as a guiding light. Our partners, suppliers, customers and community can trust what we say and promise and may rest assured that we obey laws and regulations that apply to our business.
Candor creates the foundation for an honest work environment. We give clear messages and say what´s on our mind in a tactful and constructive way. We want to activate as many opinions as possible and stimulate critical thinking. Getting straight to the point saves time.
Progress represents employees’ desire and endeavours to grow, develop and improve. We constantly strive to do better – a final solution does not exist. We are open to changes and innovation, we show initiative and challenge the present situation.