Veritas is the parent company to several companies that provide supplies and services to the healthcare sector in Iceland

The group consists of operating  companies focusing on their core competencies to service selected segments of the healthcare market. The subsidiaries are Artasan ehf., Distica hf., MEDOR ehf., Stoð hf. and Vistor hf.

The role of the parent company is to handle all support services for its subsidiaries, such as financial management, IT services,  human resource  services, and marketing support.

About Veritas


Information according to Act No. 30/2002 on Electronic Commerce and other Electronic Services

Name: Veritas ehf. 
ID.No.: 530602-3380 
Address: Horgatun 2 
Zip code: 210 
Town: Gardabaer 
Country: Iceland 
VAT number: 96986
email adress: 

Veritas handles all support services for its subsidiaries, such as financial management, IT services, human resource services, and business support.

Finance Department

Veritas’ Finance Department provides various financial support that may be required. This includes, among other things

• Sales and stock report generation
• Expense reports
• Budget support
• Payment of all invoices and reimbursement of relevant costs every month.

In summary, Veritas takes care of all financial practical matters and bookkeeping. Hildur Sandholt ( is Department Manager of the Finance Department.

Internal Service Department

The department consists of human resource management, business support and canteen. The department services its companies in all HR areas such as recruitment, performance evaluation, management support, training and consultation. The business support team consists of management assistant, receptionist and secretaries. The department provides general secretarial support for Veritas and subsidiaries. This includes, among other things, reception and telephone answering, travel, meeting and conference arrangements and mailings.

Petur Veigar Petursson ( is HRM and Department Manager of the Internal Service Department.

IT Department

The IT department is responsible for the operation of all information systems at Veritas and its subsidiaries and provides IT service to its employees. Brynja Dís Sólmundsdóttir ( is Manager of the IT Department.