
Strongest in Iceland

Strongest in Iceland

Creditinfo annually carries out a detailed analysis, highlighting Icelandic companies that have achieved top marks for their strength, stability and resilience in the marketplace. Only about 2% of Icelandic companies pass the conditions each year and receive the coveted award of being one of ‘Iceland’s Strongest Companies’, a certification of strength and stability. We believe that in smaller economies, it is more important to assess a company’s strength through the stability of their operational performance over time, as opposed to reviewing only one fiscal year. This long-term assessment thus prevents the inclusion of companies that cannot withstand market fluctuations.

Equality scale

Equality scale

Equality Scale award from the Icelandic Association of Women Business Leaders. 

FKA was founded in April 1999 and its core mission is to bring businesswomen together, support women as they manage and grow their businesses and increase their visibility in the business world and society in general. Its mission is to create the space for women to flourish as leaders and today it has over 1,200 members across all business sectors. It hosts numerous events throughout the year, including an annual awards ceremony recognizing three women leaders for outstanding performance, International Woman's Day, company visits, local and international trips, training, profiling companies, etc.

Equal Pay PwC

Equal Pay PwC

The Veritas Group awarded the Golden seal of PwC’s Equal Pay Audit.

The golden seal of PwC's Equal Pay Audit is awarded to companies where the wage difference by gender is under 3.5%. Veritas and subsidiaries are considerably under that limit.

The results are gathered from viewing data on salaries of the employees of Veritas and its subsidiaries. The Equal Pay Audit reviews the difference in men’s and women’s basic and total salary.

Festa – Cen­ter for Sus­tain­ab­il­ity

Festa – Cen­ter for Sus­tain­ab­il­ity

Festa is a non-profit or­gan­isa­tion with al­most 140 as­so­ci­ated mem­bers, which are com­bined mostly of Ice­land’s biggest to smal­lest com­pan­ies, in ad­di­tion to pub­lic or­gan­isa­tions, uni­ver­sit­ies, the City of Reyk­javik and a few oth­er mu­ni­cip­al­it­ies. Festa is a cata­lyst for change and a bridge build­er between and with­in the pub­lic and private sec­tor and fo­cuses on sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment through the SDGs, cli­mate change and cor­por­ate so­cial re­spons­ib­il­ity in its broad sense.