"Specialisterne" - 10 year anniversary

The organization „Specialisterne“ turned 10 years old in 2021. The organization helps provide the opportunity to sustain meaningful employment to people who are on the autism spectrum. Specialisterne operate according to a Danish model. Veritas / Distica have worked with and supported the organization since 2012. A birthday event was held on November 6th and Mrs. Hrund Rudolfsdóttir, Veritas‘ CEO, attended the anniversary celebration and spoke about an employer‘s experience of autistic individuals in the workplace, on the one hand, and employees‘ experience, on the other hand. Daði Gunnlaugsson, an employee of Veritas‘ daughter company, Distica, and a client of Specialisterne, talked about his experience on the job market. The First Lady of Iceland, Mrs. Eliza Reid, also gave a speech at the occasion. The Veritas Group congratulates Specialisterne on their 10th anniversary and wishes them all the best in the future.