Thoranna takes over as CEO of Veritas

The Board of Veritas has hired Thoranna Jonsdottir as interim CEO of the company, while Hrund Rudolfsdottir, that has successfully lead the Veritas Group for the last 10 years, has made a contract with the Board regarding her end of work. She will, though, be giving a hand to the Board and management.
The company is at a certain turning point. Ahead lies an extensive reconstruction of future warehouses and general infrastructure, as well as technological development in connection with that. It is a joint decision of the Board and the outgoing CEO that this is the right time to change the leadership.
„Hrund took over as CEO after me in 2013 and had been on the Board of Veritas for four years,“ says Hreggvidur Jonsson, Chairman of the Board of Veritas. „The company has grown and thrived significantly under her leadership and is financially strong. I thank Hrund for a prosperous cooperation for the last 14 years and for her part in the success that has been achieved. She will be missed and we wish her all the best in future tasks.
„It is delightful that the Board can rely on Thoranna to step in and bridge the gap, until a future CEO will be hired. Thoranna has been on Veritas‘ Board of Directors for the last five years, and was an employee of the Group many years ago. Thoranna, therefore, knows company matters well and this procedure was considered the best to lead Veritas into the journey that lies ahead,“ says Hreggvidur.
About Veritas
Veritas has five subsidiaries, Artasan, Distica, MEDOR, Stod and Vistor, which are all built on solid ground, specializing in importation, logistics and distribution of pharmaceuticals (Rx and generics), nursing supplies, laboratory products and other products for healthcare in Iceland; sales of OTC products and other health products. The companies are also leading in consultation, sales and servicing of high-quality medical devices, nursing products and laboratory products, as well as sales and servicing of mobility aids, orthopaedics and prosthetics, orthopaedic shoes and insoles, as well as compression products. The estimated turnover of the company in 2023 is ISK 33 billion and employees are around 260.
About Thoranna
Thoranna has recently worked as independent management consultant, e.g. for Alvotech, Marel and several public institutions. She has served in various positions at Reykjavik University, served as dean of the Department of Business from 2013-2016 and prior to that as senior executive director of strategy and operations. Thoranna served as Business Development Officer at the sister companies Veritas and Vistor in 2005-2008, she was the first General Manager of Artasan and one of the founders of Audur Capital. Thoranna has extensive experience of board membership, she is Chairman of the Board of Landsbref, a member of the board of Veritas since 2018 and prior to that, among others, served on the boards of, Krónan, Íslandsbanki and Lyfja. Thoranna holds a doctorate in business from Cranfield University, an MBA degree from IESE in Barcelona and a master´s degree in pharmaceuticals.