Veritas is on The Business Newspaper and Keldur's list of Exemplary Companies in Operations 2022

Veritas is on The Business Newspaper and Keldur's list of Exemplary Companies in Operations 2022 and we are very proud of that.
In order to be on the list, companies must meet strict criteria. The companies must have submitted annual accounts for the operating years 2021 and 2020, but the operating year 2019 is also used as a reference. They must have delivered positive results in 2021 and 2020 and the income must have been over ISK 40 million each year. Furthermore, the assets of the companies must have been over ISK 80 million by the end of 2021 and 2020.
The capital ratio of companies must have been above 20% at the end of the years, except in the case of the banks. In addition, other factors assessed by Business Journal and Keldur are taken into account. This time 1,170 companies make the list, or about 2.8% of the country's companies.
Veritas and subsidiaries always strive for excellence and reliability in their operations.