Social Responsibility Factors
Veritas and their subsidiaries endeavours to warrant an excellent work environment and labour climate at the workplace. We focus on a healthy work environment where mental and physical well-being are in the forefront. Veritas and its subsidiaries’ goal is to count on capable and satisfied staff to carry their operations. We strive in all circumstances to attract and retain highly educated, highly trained professionals to conduct their tasks with professionalism, passion, and satisfaction. Providing support to the community is an ingrained tradition within our group of companies. Participation of our staff e.g. by means of voluntary work is appreciated by the individuals in the receiving while at the same time increasing the sense of responsibility, discernment, and proudness among our staff.
2023 Goals and Results
Social Impact
Veritas and their subsidiaries play a critical role for the Icelandic society. Our subsidiaries specialise in a variety of business within the health care industry, having as their beacon to promote a healthier society. Our hobbyhorse is to warrant a smooth access in the Icelandic society to medicinal products, medical devices, supporting devices and aids, and we deliver all we have on a daily basis to make it a reality.
In 2023, we worked hard to secure equality certification for all of our subsidiaries. That hard work was completed in the beginning of 2024. Distica, Stoð, Veritas, and Vistor had all previously completed that process, while MEDOR and Artasan obtained their first certification then. In parallel, we have reviewed our group of companies’ equality and wage policy.Our policy’s main goal is to warrant all staff enjoy equal rights, fairness, and equal opportunities regardless of their gender, age, religion, political opinions, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, skin colour, means, ancestry, family relations, disability, or any other individual status or condition.
We focus on securing a work environment in which all individuals feel good at their workplace. That is clearly reflected in staff satisfaction surveys, where overall staff satisfaction scores high (4.15).
Promoting equality and increased diversity is a path we continue to invest in. Our group of companies has been heavily investing in related matters for past years, and harvest has been fruitful. Currently, our group of companies has a good overview of its status regarding equality and diversity. In 2024 we will focus on inclusion and on continued positive actions towards equality.
Veritas has received several equality rewards throughout the years such as:

Diversity Takes Us Far Afield
Our group of companies employs a diverse group including different nationalities. We make every effort to warrant that all our staff enjoy equal opportunities within our group of companies, no matter their origin. For next years, our goal is to cherish even more for diversity among our staff, e.g. by providing Icelandic language courses and LGBTIQA+ education. We believe that staff diversity benefits us, and we focus on warranting that all our staff feel they belong in our workplace.

Mountain Climbing and Social Life
Veritas group of companies’ staff actively takes in social life in their workplace. Our work force consists of a tightly united, interesting bunch of people who enjoy coming together in a variety of social functions which boost team spirit and general well-being. In addition to the traditional events where our staff gets together to have some fun, we have also the programme Veritas on Top, which invites our employees to take part in periodical hikes, culminating in a full day trek in Thórsmörk, a natural gem in the South-East of Iceland. We also encourage our staff to boost their health during working hours by organising periodic lunch hikes and yoga sessions.

Contributions to Social Causes
Veritas and their subsidiaries strive to give back to groups in our society who are most in need. In 2023, we contributed to both Samhjálp, a charity running various support centres around the Capital Area, and Foreldrahúss (Vímulausrar æsku) — Parents House (Drug Free Youth). In addition to our financial contributions, our staff has also donated clothes which Samhjálp collects and distributes to individuals in need, knitted winter gloves, took part in fundraisers and in Christmas gifts packaging sessions organised by Samhjálp.
Our group of companies’ staff also took part in the Reykjavík Marathon and raised funds for the Icelandic Cystic Fibrosis Association and other good causes. We sincerely thank for our staff’s solidarity and for joining our contribution to social causes.
Veritas will continue providing their support to such social causes. Support towards the local community is a tradition within our group of companies. Our staff’s participation benefits several NGOs, and we are very proud of the sense of solidarity among our staff. Our focus for 2024 is to keep giving back to the Icelandic society both in the form of staff’s volunteer work and direct financial contributions.